Offworld Alien Planet is now on Amazon Prime
In which I take credit for the work of others, but that's OK because we're all one big happy family. I think.
Tremendous news: Offworld Alien Planet is now available on Amazon Prime!
Offworld has been a part of my life for so long, it has taken a while for this news to really sink in. I actually co-wrote a movie. Then, we raised money to make that movie. We made that movie (something not every fully funded Kickstarter achieves!). We edited that movie. We re-edited that movie to cope with lost sound mixes and lost footage. Then, we found someone who spent a huge amount of time and effort “in post” to add better effects. And, finally, we found a distributor for that movie who has supported us through a truly worldwide release.
We did it.
You can watch Offworld Alien Planet on Amazon Prime here.
P.S. If you like the movie, please spread the word by sharing this post…
On being “indie” and working with teams…
I’ve used the word “we” a lot so far in this update and, to be frank, it makes me feel like a bit of a fraud.
It’s true that I co-wrote the script for this movie with my long-time collaborator, Terry Cooper. I even paid for a copy of Final Draft so that I could feel like a “real” screenwriter (I don’t recommend it, Fade In does just as good a job). We drafted and re-drafted. We sat together in a freezing cold room above a shop in Newport for the first reading with the cast, making notes and making adjustments as we went.
Then, I went on holiday.
I wasn’t there for “the shoot”. Other people froze their collective giblets off somewhere in Wales, running around and pretending to be lost on an alien world. Other people filmed, recorded, directed, and did all the other stuff that had to be done. I was very supportive, but strictly via WhatsApp and Facebook.
I got back involved during post production when it became apparent that there were some problems with lost footage and sound edits. I found myself once again sat alongside Terry, trying to come up with a solution. We came up with something that could work, but it was Terry and other people who took that idea and worked it through to completion.
Everything that happened after that was other people; notably Terry Copper and Dani Britten, but also lots of others. There are probably some I don’t even know about. It was those guys who never gave up on this project and who kept it alive when other people would have walked away.
I’m a real screenwriter with a real credit on a real movie with a real distributor that you can watch on real streaming services.
We’ve even got a 4.5 star rating on Prime right now.
I love being “an indie”, bootstrapping my books from nothing to publication but… it is nice to work in a team sometimes too. It’s especially nice when that team can carry the loads that you can’t, do the things that you can’t, and make things happen that you could only dream of.
So, hats off to everyone on Team Offworld. We all did it, but I owe you guys.
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Couldn't have done it without you. But Offworld isn't quite finished with us yet... please check your Facebook DMs!